Roulette, a game of chance and suspense, has a rich history that traces back to the 17th century. It’s a game that has mesmerized casino-goers for generations, and part of its allure lies in its mysterious origin. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the inventor of roulette and explore the intriguing history of this iconic casino game.

Roulette’s Enigmatic Birth:

The creation of roulette is often attributed to the renowned French mathematician and inventor, Blaise Pascal. In the early 17th century, Pascal was on a quest to invent a perpetual motion machine, a device that would operate indefinitely without an external energy source. In his pursuit, Pascal unintentionally stumbled upon the roulette wheel.

The Role of Pascal:

While Pascal’s invention wasn’t intended for gambling, the basic components of the roulette wheel were present in his design. The original roulette wheel featured numbers from 1 to 36, and the numbers added up to 666, often referred to as the “Number of the Beast.” The presence of the double-zero on the modern American roulette wheel also harkens back to Pascal’s design.

Evolving the Roulette Wheel:

Roulette’s transformation from a perpetual motion machine component to a popular casino game began in France in the 18th century. The game quickly spread throughout Europe, with various countries adding their own twists and rules to the game.

Who Invented Roulette: The Controversy:

The question of who exactly invented roulette remains shrouded in controversy. While Blaise Pascal’s contributions are undeniable, he was not trying to create a gambling game, and it was only later that the roulette wheel found its way into casinos. Some attribute the invention to a French monk, while others point to the Chinese game of Hoca as a precursor.

The Name “Roulette”:

The word “roulette” itself means “little wheel” in French, a reference to the primary element of the game. The name reflects the French origins of the game, but its true inventor remains a mystery.


The true inventor of roulette may never be definitively known, but the game’s fascinating history and evolution from Pascal’s mathematical experiment to a beloved casino game are undeniable. As you spin the roulette wheel or place your bets, you’re participating in a centuries-old tradition that began with a curious mathematician and his quest for perpetual motion. Regardless of its origins, roulette’s enduring appeal is a testament to the thrill and excitement it offers to players worldwide.